Read what our parents have to say about us.
What Our Families are Saying
Dearest Bright Start Management, Teachers, and Staff,
With the approach of the Thanksgiving Holiday, we count all the people we are most thankful for and Bright Star CDC management and teachers are most certainly at the top of our list. We thanks you for providing all the love, care, guidance, education and happy memories to our children Nareh and Sareen during 2015.
Nareh has been excelling in Kindergarten from day one. As a matter of fact, she was selected as the very first “Super Kid” in their classroom. We owe her success for the most part to the hard work of her teachers in Bright Start who have laid the foundation for her future academics.
There are teachers in her school who know of Bright Start and speak highly of our preschool’s excellence and distinction.
We are sure that Sareen is going to thrive as well.
—Grigorian Family, November 2015
It’s a pleasure having Naira in your wonderful school. She truly enjoys coming to school and she absolutely adores Mrs. Armineh, but the time has come for her to start a new journey. She will be in kindergarten soon and is very much looking forward to going to “big kids school”. We would like to thank everyone at Bright Start for all their hard work and dedication. We have been a Bright Start family for many years since our 3 children went there and started their beginnings with Bright Start. We will miss you!
—Megerdichian Family, April 2015
We would like to thank the staff at Bright Start for 3 wonderful years. We see a great personal growth in Harrison. We wish you continued success and we would recommend Bright Start CDC to our family and friends.
–Chang Family, April 2015
I just want to quickly express myself to you and your staff. As you know I go pick up Andrew and most of the time I go with Henry. As you have seen Henry can’t wait to join Bright Start !!! I just want to express that we are very happy Andrew attends Bright Start, the staff; always make us feel welcome, demonstrate so much dedication and care for Andrew and the children and Henry as well (and he doesn’t even go there yet). I feel it’s important to compliment all the teachers and acknowledge all their hard work as well as yourself. Thank you Bright Start!
–Norma Ghassemian
We can’t begin to express our sincere gratitude for taking such good care of Chloe. She’s truly loves every minute of it and has very happily and voluntarily come to school each and every day. Thank you so very much!
–Armen & Estineh
Thank you so much for allowing Landon the opportunity to be a part of Bright Start. You have such a wonderful program and staff. Everyone is so kind-hearted and shows so much love to the kids. Thank you so much once again for making our transition o California that much easier. Thanks to all the staff for the kindness and caring they have given to Landon. We will miss you!
–Jessica Domin
I felt the urge to send you this short note to tell you how happy and satisfied Silva and I both were throughout the past 5 years with Bright Start’s care and attention to our two kids – Aleena and Haig.
The peace of mind that your childcare center inspires in many of the parents we have gotten to know during this time is simply priceless! It takes great leadership on your part and devotion and professionalism on the part of your entire team to earn the accolades that Bright Start so truly deserves. The morning greetings, the hugs and kisses, the cleanliness and safety of your facilities and above all, the CARE you all provided makes us more than happy to recommend Bright Start to our friends and family. Needless to say, true to its name, Bright Start is not only a day-care center … it is a Child Development Center (“CDC”) – par excellence!
Once again, a big THANK YOU. Although we have no plans for a third at this point, if it happens … be sure you’ll see us again.
–Raffi Kendirjian